KDHW has introduced the first secondary health care service in 2017 in accordance with political development and area stability. It is intending to handle the complex case of medical problem and obtain referral from Primary Health Care centers. Each secondary care center is providing health care services to estimated population of 20000 to 50000. The current services include Outpatient care, Inpatient care, Emergency services with effective referral, safe motherhood package including Antenatal and Postnatal care, safe and clean delivery, Post Abortion care, Child health services including IMCI (Integrated Management of Childhood Illness), basic laboratory and investigation services (X-ray, Ultrasound and Operation Theater). Most common major operation cases were, Lower Segment Caesarean Section (LSCS), Major Surgery Cases, Mine Injury, Road Traffic Accident and other Minor Cases.

However, there was no standard package for secondary care has not yet been yet developed. Under secondary care, at least 2 medical doctors were assigned and also other staffs likes Nurses, medics, Maternal and Child Health Worker and Community Health Worker are also recruited.
However, due to military coup in 1st of February 2021, KDHW has expended and upgraded more secondary health care facilities since the Myanmar government health facilities were not function anymore.
In consequence, many health care providers from Ministry of Health and Sport (MoHS) coming to the KNU areas including medical doctors, nurse and other medical specialists. Since the coup, the referral cases from KDHW facilities to the government hospital became a major challenge which KDHW used collaborate with the MoHS. Currently, there are five to six secondary health facilities across KNU administrative areas. Currently, KDHW is directly managing 3 secondary health care facilities and others were jointly management with other partners.